Sensay: Learn Ruby On Rails - from newbie to ninja

Sensay: Learn Ruby On Rails - from newbie to ninja

Event detail on Build a bot (or learn how to)

Lets build some bots that are awesome!

Ever met a bot you didn't like? Me Too :(
There are too many bots out there that kinda suck.
Lets change the world by building better bots:

• Build your own, or team up with some1.

• Don't have any idea what to build? No worries, we'll have a  brainstorming session to come up with some.

• Don't know how to code yet? Build a bot. Problem solved :)

• Don't want to code in ruby? Great! use node, python, scala, elixir or assembly language if you want to. Do whatever it takes to get it done!

This will be a minds-on and hands-on workshop.

Angel and Arbind will be your tech guides.
We both build bots for:
Sensay - the most helpful person you've never met! @sensay

Check out our chat bot integrations:
fb messenger
and on SMS by texting to[masked]
(yea - we've been busy!)


Bring your own computer and a friendly attitude.
This is not for employees of skynet  :)

Afegir a caledar 07-28-2016 18:30:00 07-28-2016 00:00:00 Sensay: Learn Ruby On Rails - from newbie to ninja This is for people who want to start learning Ruby on Rails for fun and build some apps. This meet up was created to provide mentoring for some friends, and we thought we'd open it up to others. Join us if you are interested in (and dedicated to) learning how to build apps with Ruby on Rails and with Javascript :) 1600 Main Street Venice Beach, CA 90291 NextSpace Venice Beach false MM-dd-YYYY
